Cases User Experience (UX)

JTI | Token System


Promotions generat lots of registrations for the website, but only very little active users. This is due to:

  1. Promoter/consumer sales conversation is stiff and linear and too product focused.
  2. Community does not have enough to offer. 

  3. Registrations are not activated at the POS.


We will integrate a token system. The tokens will represent a reward system for the user, that can be tied to any activation or data survey. They are redeemable for goodies, which are branded lifestyle products, not necessarily related to the Winston product line. The tokens can only be earned, not bought.



Check Out

After the user has put a goodie into the basket, they get to the page to check their address, their order and then execute their order. After the their confirmation they can check the tracking, their orders or go back to the front page.   


The most crucial part is the communication and data flow between the contractor and us.


Development will think of the return process while building the token system, so it is easier to implement at a later token. But we will not implement it in this step. So if user want to return something, they have to contact us via email.


From the processes written we knew, that we need to add the pages:

  • Rewards
  • Goodies Overview
  • Goodie Detail
  • Earn Tokens
  • Raffle
  • Tokens explained

Userflow via Wireframes

When the user comes on the page for the first time, an overlay opens. The overlay welcomes the user and explains the token system. And forwards the user either to earn tokens or to learn more about the token system.

When the user clicks on the button to learn more they get to a page, where the token system gets explanied to the user in more detail and activates the user to participate in order to earn tokens.

At the end the get forwarded to an overview of all activations regarding the token system, from raffles to infos, that will generate tokens for the user.

When the user clicks on one of the teasers, the overlay of the referring possibility to earn tokens appears.

 The counter on the top of raffle icon in the sidebar shows the user how many tokens they currently own.

When the click on the raffle icon the token sidebar opens and shows the user teaser to spent or earn more tokens.

The goodies page gives the user an overview of all goodies we have to offer.
Depending on the price the teaser sizes vary.

When the user clicks on one of the teaser an overlay opens, giving the user detail information about the goodie and lets the user add the goodie to the basket.

Should the user haven’t gotten enough token, we tell them and give them the opertunity to either choose another goodie or earn more tokens.

The counter on the basket icon shows the user how many goodies they have selected and activates to order them.

When the click on the basket icon the basket sidebar opens and shows the user teaser of goodies they have added to the basket.

The check out page lets the user check everything bevor the final order.

Thanks the user for the order and activates to continue to participate.

The user also can click on their profil to open it.

There they find an icon thats opens the track and trace sidebar.

There they see their orders and can click on the arrow to open the track and trace.

The track and trace overlay shows the user the where the package is at the moment. It is conennected with the parcel service.

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Cases User Experience (UX)

JTI | Registration and Login


There where two brands, two communities. Our mission was to create one community, by relaunch a new Winston website. With a goal of 200k members by July. The task was to make sure, that we migrate and kepp the existing members, in addition to winning new ones. My special task was to simplify & automate the user sign up processes as much as possible. One obsticle was, that we are not allowed to speack about what the community was before we know, tha user is over 18 years old and has signed up successfully.


Our idea was to split the registration process into 3 parts: registration, authentication and the log in. 



First of all we looked at different AVS. The age verification system (AVS) provider than validates the contact information and gives feedback if the user is over 18. There are a couple of ways to validate. As the most secure, we made the selection of 3. Together with the client we decided on ‚Database via Schufa‘ as it was fastes und less complicated for the user.

Entry Process


We used a white board to scribble down the entry process. This way we could define every single step we had and rearange them pretty easily before we start wireframing them. And make sure we don’t forgett a step.

We also desided with the client, that we will follow the step-by-step approach. That way we don’t show the user to much input fields at once and reduce the risk of user abondening the registration process. Also the step-by-step approach gives us more possigbilites of a clearer communication, since we have more space for every step.

On the whiteboard we started to mark where we need what kind of error massage.


Since we reallized that in both processes, ‚Registration‘ & ‚Login‘ we need the ‚E-Mail-Adress‘ and the ‚Password‘ we placed them also at the beginning of the registration process. That enabled us to program the whole entry process as one. So that it doesn’t matter if you are sign up or log in.

We wrote down every ‚E-Mail‘ and ‚Password‘ scenario and definde what the outcome should be. Should it be the ‚Registration‘ process or are simply loggin them in.


We wrote the user flow as an EPC process, so could define what states the single elements are.

The tabs ‚Anmelden‘ and ‚Registrieren‘ only had the porpuse of giving the user orientation if needed, but they didn’t change the form anymore.

We also wireframed the mobile version.


In the registration process we also defined that the list on the right gets checked. That gives the user a feeling of accomplishment, which reduces the risk of abondoning the process.

We enabled the user to jump from one step back to another finished step. Also, the address field was connected with the ‚Google API‘, so we offer the user a type ahead and autofill for their address. The user could controll everything via keyboard or mouse.

We also wireframed the mobile version.



We tracked every step and every every interaction via pageviews and event tracking within Google Analytics.

In the beginning of the registration funnel we see some wobbling around between the log in tab and the registration tab, but that is kind of normal in this step.  But we are loosing people after they went to the secondary pages like Impressum. We should look, if we can make easier for them to come back into the process.

We were also loosing registration at the steps “birthday”, “address“ and “phone number”. Specially with the step address we can make even easier for the user.

Most users have lost, was at the legal step. Since the only mandatory part here is the Schufa, we need a better explanation and a possible alternativ. The Brand part will be kicked. Thus, it doesn’t need any attention.

Half of the people login in our site are exiting immediately. Possible reasons are the lack of understanding and not knowing what to do on the website. Content needs to be more immersive and the login process with more user centered functionalities.

From the analysis of the goal funnel for the entry process we have learned that need to guide the user in a clearer way through everything. So decided to conentrate on explanatory copy and error massages.

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Cases User Experience (UX)

Destination Red Bull | Relaunch Website


The client wanted a new website for their premium adventure escapes. Not an ordinary travel experience. A trip you can only get with Red Bull and their brand ambassadors. Red Bull is already the leading lifestyle brand when it comes to adventure sports, culture, art & music in all its shapes and forms. The task now is to transfer the same level of brand confidence to Destination Red Bull and the travel category. The user has to get a clear idea of what the trip feels like, while the experience has to reflect the Red Bull brand.


When we looked at the numbers of the old website, we saw, that we had a lot of traffic coming in, but one 5% did interact with the site and only 1,37% of those did become leads. While most traffic was coming from social, traffic from organic search had a way higher possibility to become a lead.


So we came up with the idea of using elements and modules known from the Red Bull website to transfer to generate a holistic brand experience. But to break that open with new modules that are more focused on story telling, than classical travel websites.

Homepage Destination Red Bull


Target Group

As our target group we defined a global market with the core markets: Austria, Germany, Switzerland, France, UK and USA. Travelers with a craving for recognition and individualized, unique experiences. Sporty, adventurous or cultural people. We changed the target gender from 75% male to 50 % female. Also we shifted the age range from 25 to 54 years, to 19 to 35 years.

User Flows

Before we did build the framework of the new site, we had to take a deeper look at possible user flows on our site. Starting with the traffic sources. From our analytics data we learned that most people are coming from social, direct and referral and only a quarter from organic search. How do we generate more traffic from organic search and bring them to convert. The answer i quality content, people are searching for. It has to be unique and relevant. For that we are not only optimizing the sites as they are, but also introducing category pages. Giving the opportunity for more relevant content and enabling users to find the destination website, even if there are no trips for that category.

This will result in two main landing pages or entry points, the homepage and the category pages. From there we guide the user in an easy to understand way to their trip. We have three main ways, they either go to the category page, decide for a category and then for a concrete trip. Or they go the site with an overview of all trips and then to the concrete trip. Or they go directly to a concrete trip.


The [Site] „All trips“ stayed as an overview page. We created two templates for the detail pages. One for brand ambassadors centric trips and one when the focus is on the package itself.
A page for an overview over all categories will also be implemented as a detail site for every category. This raises the visibility for search engines.
We put the general FAQs & Contact into the secondary navigation within the footer.

Also we concepted a tag system consisting of the tag types: [Cat] and [Trip]

[Cat] stands for categories like: adventure, arial sports, ball sports, bike, culture, …

[Trip] is a tag for every trip, which we had 10 at the beginning of the project.

Interactive Modules

Before we started to design every page we needed, we concentrated on the interactive modules. Those were a map with the trips on it, a automated slider module with all the trips, and a contact form.

Interactive Map

There will me a module with a map. Every trip will get a marker on that map. The default view is the whole world. The user can zoom in and out with clicking on the plus or minus icon. When zoomed in, the map can be navigated by click and hold.

When user hovers over one of the markers, we show them a teaser for the trip. When clicked the user gets forwarded to the detail-page of that package.

Automated Slider

We created at automated slider. Every slide should contain of the teaser contend for a trip. The function, that made this slider special was that, the user had not only an indicator, for how long the slide is on, before changing to the next, but also a written preview which trip will be next. Also the user can click on one of the previews to jump to the next slide.


Request From

After the click the content changes. The user sees two columns. The left column shows the most prime facts about the trip and the price.
The right column builds the contact form. Which gets a premium look by simplicity.

The user only has to put in their name and either an e-mail-address or a phone number. When the user clicked the checkbox the input field will appear.

The last step is to check the privacy policy and the captcha to activated the CTA.

When the contact informations are successfully  send, the users sees a thank you message and gets an e-mail with all the informations needed.

Main Pages

We defined the homepage, the page ‚All Trips‘ and the detail page for every trip as the main pages on this website.

Go to the website and take a look at the experience yourself​

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Cases User Experience (UX)

toom | Relaunch Career Website


The old career website needed a rebrush, it needs better adapt the toom design language. It also should become more intuativ and inactive.


Since toom is a company that has jobs around whole germany, the idea was to create jobsearch that is connected and centered aroung a interactive map.


But because it was a website with pure content pages but also a complex jobsearch, we decided to split the app in different working packages. To do so, we made a workshop with the client, where we reorganized the content and definied structure of the new website. The result of that workshop was the new sitemap.

With that new sitemap we could split the app in the following working packages:

  • Navigation
  • Homepage
  • Benefits
  • Departments
  • Search

We decided to start with the purly content based areas and pages. So they can be developt while the rest of us concentrates on the search.


As the header we decided on the same design and functionality as the toom website, so the user has a holistic navigation through the whole toom websiteverse.


Since the whole website and search should be revovling around the interactive map, of course we placed it prominent on the homepage. Without overpowering the other teaser to other areas of the website, for users that need more information before going to the search.


On the benefit page, as on the other pages we tried to be as clean as possible and concentrate on what is important for the potential applicant. So, after a little poll with toom employees we decided on eight benefits that get highlighted. The rest we catagorized and only showed the title of the benefit. For more information the user could open the dropdown. That way we gave the user an quick overview over all benefits.


Departments OverviewpageBecause toom has a lot of departments and we have potential applicants that only want to see jobs at the headquater or at the markets, we implemented a filter.

Department Detailpage

For every department we created one page with a describing copy, a short video to give a better inside into the worksituation.

If the department had subsection we showed information for those, too. Under the discribtion in dropdowns.


The jobpage has 2 stages, with and without vacancies. With simply the location, data and a button to apply appears.It always has a written discription and a video about the job. Also what compentances the apllicant needs to have.


User Flow

We created a simple user flow on how to get to the jobsearch.


To make it the user as easy as possible we showed them a map. On that map we clustered the job vacancies and showed them, where they are in Germany.

When the user hovered over a cluster, we showed them the job vacacies. The vacancies could be filtert, with the filters about. The user also could click on one of the clusteres and the map would zoom in and shows the next level of clusteres.

Also every change in filters or clicking on a cluster has immediate effect on the list under the map.

Go to the website and take a look at the experience yourself

Cases User Experience (UX)

Brother | Launch Sales App


The client wanted a tool with which their sales team could approach potential clients. The tool should showcase the possible production lines of their new industrial direct-to-garment printer for mass production. And highlight the benefits in the financial input and potential output.


So we came up with the idea to create a website, that could easily used via tablet. The side would showcase different production scenarios in 3D. The scenarios would be based on the production outcome the client wanted. It would show what machinery would be needed. Additional to the 3D production planer, we would integrate a cross margin calculator.

3D production planer
Cross margin calculator


Production process

Since the client did not have a written down process by hand, I watched their tutorial video. While I did that, I wrote down every single step of the process, and also grouped the steps into a top level flow, for a easier understanding.

Production setup

After I clarified the production process with the client, we created a table together. The table included the different setups and what kind of machinery, how many of those machines are necessary and how big the capacity per hour is.

Gross margin calculation

Based on the price lists and the estimated consumption I created a interactive prototype of the calculator in Microsoft Excel. With the calculator we could check with the client, if all calculation are going right, before we started programming them.

The calculator was build in a way, that the sales team could adjust the cost and put in the clients production information, to see how high the costs are, how high the output would be and whats the calculated gross margin is. Additional we showed after how many month the investment will be amortized.


With the conceptual backbone done I could start wireframing. I designed a 3D interactive production line configurator. The user could change the set up via the drop down, while having a overview of machines needed and what the output will be.

We integrated helpful messages to guide the user, pro or beginner, through the process of finding the perfect setup for their production.

The 3D configurator is followed by the calculator. Both are directly connected to each other. If the user changes a attribute, that has implications to the other. It will change it there to. When conflicts appears the user is notified.

For users that are more comfortable with step-by-step we integrated the option on the button of the application.  But this view is also seen, when the user activate an input field. So the user is enabled to switch between the two entry methods as they please.

Web App

Together with our developers we decided to program the website as an progressive web app. With that, we could easily prepare the tablets of their sales people as well as tablets at their both at the trade fair.

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Cases User Experience (UX)

FC Schalke 04 | Relaunch App


Above all, the most important requirement was that the performance, function & development of the app reflect the quality, passion and tradition of the club. What was desired was a unique and comprehensive brand and user experience in the entire Schalke world that lived up to the spirit of the times. In addition, the app should map all digital services of Schalke 04 in the form of individual containers and play or display the individual containers according to the situation or location.


The concept of the old App was reconsidered completly. The new one was newly developed. We completely rethought the current app, redesigned it and gave it a more modern design to avoid any more discrepancies to the website. We were going to concentrate on the matchcenter and players. 


But because it was a really big and complex app, we decided to split the app in different working packages. To do so, we made a workshop with the client, where we reorganized the content and definied structure of the new app. The result of that workshop was the new sitemap.

With that new sitemap we could split the app in the following working packages:

  • Navigation
  • Homescreen
  • News
  • Matchcenter
  • Teams
  • Store
  • Schalke TV
  • VELTINS-Arena
  • Settings


We designed a menu, that could be open via tab on menu flag or with a swipe from the right margin of the screen inwards. Within the Menu important stuff like the login, settings. Under them we placed quicklinks, which could be reorganized by the user. We also placed a container for nofications and the score of an ongoing game. Under the dropdown menu for the main areas of the app, we also found place to put the sponsors.


Depending on the time and location relating to a match the content on the homescreen adapts. It shows the user different content during the match and depends on whether you are watching the game in the stadium or at home.This way we can get the most important content to the user, that he might be interested in at that particular time and space, without having to look for it in the app.


Together with the client and data from previous tracking, we defined the structure of the news area.

Site Header

The Arrow on the left side, the user gets back.

Site Header Dropdown

Here the user can choose between the two main news categories.



With the slider, the user can navigate between the three subcatagories.

Site Header + Slidermenu

Only the slidermenu is sticky. But as soon as the user scrolls upwards, the site header apears again.

We gave the user the possibility to filter the content via tags. For example the tournaments or social channels.


Also for matchcenter we looked at previous data from the website to find the most important content for the user about a game and defined the structure again with the client based on that data.

Site Header

The Arrow on the left side, the user gets back.



With the slider, the user can navigate between the three subcatagories.

Site Header + Slidermenu

Only the slidermenu is sticky. But as soon as the user scrolls upwards, the site header apears again.

Matchday Header

Includs the teams, score and date. With a click on the date a dropdown opens and the user can change the game.


With the slider, the user can navigate between the three subcatagories.

Split between matchcenter and matchday we showed the user the most importend and used content like statistics and lineup. With a swip over the screen, the user changes the subcategory.


Simliar to the structure of the news feed, we created the navigation for the Teams. So we could fit the professionals team and the youth teams in one area without overcrowding it.

Also it aloud us to use almost the same navigation, we used for the news area and the matchcenter. So the user could use the already learned navigation to easily consume a massiv amount of information without losing the oversight.

We placed the diffrent possitions in dropdown menus to make the overview page easier to consum. For the player, we placed the highlight numbers on the first viewport to give it a little bit of gamification character. Than we seperated the content in different categories, which the user can easily swipe through.


So that we can concentrate on the development of the news, matchcenter and team areas, we decided to implement the store section as an iFrame and to make a different project after the relaunch.

Schalke TV

We implemented the streaming service ‚Schalke TV‘ nativly. So the user can have the fastes possible experience. They also can login into their account, or create one, if they don’t have one.


Pay on Schalke

Since the ‚Knappenkarte‘ and the ‚Schalke Trikot‘ already brought the technology to pay without cash but with NFC, we im plented that technology also into the app.


Since tickets work via barcode, we could also implement that technology into the app. And even give the user the possibilty to add the ticket to the wallet or send it to another user.


Everything like language or your logins etc could be changed within the settings.


The new app is pushing the club FC Schalke 04 forward to be the Bundeliga’s digital leader and completes the digital ecosystem as well as mobile experience for every fan of the club so far.

App Store

Play Store

Like what you see? Let’s talk about how to make your digital experience better, faster, easier and more fun to use!

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Tea at the Zoo

# 023 | 88UW

It’s Saturday November 28 2015 – this is the twenty-third TEA at the ZOO and we’re featuring Berlin based DJ and Producer, 88UW. Fortunately I met him a couple of weeks ago at Kit Kat Club, when our friend Qu-Zen had a gig there. It was a really nice first meeting and after I heard one of his sets, I needed him on our podcast series! So open your ears and hark to what he plays and has to say:

Could you tell us a little about your background, where you’re from and where are you living most of time?
Born in 1978 I had the pleasure growing up in times when so much new happened in music, street-art and dance. Already in age of 12-13 around I started to sneak out into the night, not only to begin with graffiti, more because I loved the empty streets and the possibilities climbing on houses or going down the subway tunnels. At that time most kids around me tried to copy that gang habit from America. I never have been to deep into that Hip-Hop thing. Only graffiti bond me for many years.

Where your love for electronic music did begin and why did you start Djing?
My first tapes had been Depeche Mode and things like this. I have been surrounded by electronic music and somehow grew up with it. Already in age of 7-8 I had my first C-64 (Computer). I got used to 8-bit music and rhythms very early so the step to love Techno and Acid-House had not been that far. I already made my first “mixtapes” before I’ve heard about clubs and such things the first time. I recorded tapes with my one record player by counting beats and pushing the “pause” key on my tapedeck at the right moments. Sometimes I put a vocal sample in between saying “ok” or something like this. Around 91 I read the first articles about this illegal rave parties in England and somehow I already knew this will be my thing. I started to buy records from The Prodigy, LFO, Joey Beltram, The Hypnotist and artists like this. I always have been into more than only Techno. I need music with energy and the right bass to impressed me. When I started Djing then I never thought about how it could be playing in a club – I just made tapes. In fact when I played my first gig, age 16, in front of a crowd I wanted to crawl away and let friends play my vinyl, but they forced me to do it.

Which equipment/set up is your favorite and why?
CDJ2000+XONE92 CDJ2000 or now XDJ1000 as I never used the medium CD feels best for me nowadays. I have the option to play a lot more diverse music than I could if I would still use vinyl and I don’t have the problem with scratches, mixed sheets and my back anymore. XONE92, because of the EQ.

How would you describe your music?
Filled with bass, touched by acid

Who are your idols?
I don’t really have idols (or to many).

Where do you get your inspiration?
My inspiration is sadness and fear. I’m only able to produce music when I’m in not the best condition. But maybe, what I say is wrong. Sometimes a wave of inspiration comes but I’m not able to let it out and when I think there’s nothing to let out it just flows and I have no idea where it comes from.

What was the first vinyl you bought?
Depeche Mode – People Are People
LFO -We Are Back
Joey Beltram – Beltram Vol.1
Prodigy – Everybody In The Place
Moby – Go

What was the last vinyl you bought?
Alpha303 – Alphawaves EP (2011)

Do you have any residencies?
Not anymore, former Tresor Club Berlin (-2014)

Where was your first gig?
In Hamburg or around Hamburg. Not exactly sure anymore.

Tell us a bit about what it’s like when you’re a few minutes away from coming on and playing your first track?
I’m still pretty nervous and I still don’t really like to stand in front of people. I never liked the spotlight as I think I make strange moves and funny faces while I play. I’m of course really happy being able to present unusual tracks to an audience and having the pleasure to listen loud to the music as well. But it’s still always a inner fight to get my ass up on a stage.

Where did like it the most to DJ and why?
It could be everywhere and depends always on the people around, the sound system and my own mood.

Are there any upcoming releases or recently released stuff?
Maybe on my own label again from 2016.

What are you plans for the future?
I don’t really have a plan, but there should be a beach

What is your favorite animal?

Try to catch 88UWs playing one of his bass filled, acid driven techno sets; it was a pleasure doing the interview with this sympathetic artist and a pleaser listening to his set. And don’t forget to say hello from us!

– Larry


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Tea at the Zoo

# 022 | Mike Wall

It’s Tuesday October 26 2015 – this is the twenty-second TEA at the ZOO and we’re featuring Berlin based DJ, Producer, Promoter and Label manager, Mike Wall from Wall Music. So open your ears and hark to what he plays and has to say:

Could you tell us a little about your background, where you’re from and where are you living most of time?
I was born in 1983 in Neustrelitz, Mecklenburg, East Germany. For 10 years now I’ve been living in Berlin and I love it 🙂

Where your love for electronic music did begin and why did you start DJing?
That was in 1997. The first Fusion Festival took place in the area where I lived. I saw Green Velvet playing destination unknown. This music has captivated and inspired me so much. My first turntables I bought in 1999. I was working in a nuclear power plant for almost 8 weeks during my Holidays.

Which equipment/set up is your favorite and why?
At the moment I try out new ways. I’ve been playing a few years mainly with two CDJs & one turntable or three CDJs etc. The feeling of doing more than one chip processor prepares a lot of fun to me. I’m flexible and that gives my sets a certain note.

How would you describe your music?
To judge for themselves. Not easy. I would say, that I like very much loopy driving techno with Chords and much melancholy. Everything else should be judged by others.

Who are your idols?
I am a very big fan of Speedy J., but Ludovico Einaudi is also great. There are so many good artists. It’s hard to really define. My taste is rotating, every month it’s an other.

Where do you get your inspiration?
All ascendancies around me influenced me and my thoughts and my actions. This again, is reflected in my music.

What was the first vinyl you bought?
Underground Poetry with Phunkey Rhythm Doctor aka Cari Lekebusch – Mad Poet (1997).

What was the last vinyl you bought?
Ha, that is easy… it was the old Album from Abdullah Rashim on Northern Structures from 2014 – Unanimity 2×12″.

Do you have any residencies?
Yes and I am also quite proud. I play for 6 years in Suicide Circus Berlin. I call it my Berlin living room. [smile]

Where was your first gig?
That is really hard to say. Can you count your first appearances on this? Otherwise, it was for the U-site people from Lärz in 1999 in the Tubebox, the area from the legendary Fusion Festival.

Tell us a bit about what it’s like when you’re a few minutes away from coming on and playing your first track?
Then I’ll be very focused. Try to arrange the moment with me. You can hear that in my sets. I’m trying to define my line for this moment, as an entertainer.

Where did like it the most to DJ and why?
That is hard to say. Each locality has its own charm and its own character. It is great fun to play in the Netherlands, or in many German clubs. So I can not really define it.

What was the funniest/craziest thing that happened on a gig?
Some things you should always keep to yourselve. It was very funny.

Upcoming gigs?
There will be some.
07.11.2015: Pratersauna, Vienna, Austria
13.11.2015: Suicide Circus Night, 262 Club, Genoa, Italy
20.11.2015: RAH #2, Griesmühle, Berlin, Germany
More will follow in Munich, Cologne, Copenhagen, Paris ect.

Are there any upcoming releases or recently released stuff?
In the near future a new vinyl will be released on my own label. Another vinyl will be released on Plastico Duro, Reloading Recordings and on Blackbrook Limited. There is an EP on Berlin Underground and one on Ausnahmezustand. And also some fresh remixes are on their way.

What are you plans for the future?
Easy, spending a lot of time with my family. Traveling much more. Staying healthy and continues to have the chance to play on many more clubs on the world.

What is your favorite animal?
Axolot 🙂

Try to catch Mike Wall playing one of his loopy, melancholy driven techno sets; it was a pleasure doing the interview with this sympathetic artist and a pleaser listening to his set. And don’t forget to say hello from us!

– Larry


Tea at the Zoo

# 021 | Jaade

It’s Wednesday October 7 2015 – this is the twenty first TEA at the ZOO and we’re featuring Jaade from Cologne. So open your ears and hark to what she plays and has to say:

Could you tell us a little about your background, where you’re from and where are you living most of time?
Well, I’m a native Persian but my parents and I moved to Germany when I was 9 months old. Since then we have been living near Cologne, which is a lovely and really great city.

Where did your love for electronic music begin and why did you start DJing?
My passion for electronic music began 2009 when I heard some house and electro tunes. This passion and love grew after I visited a techno club for the first time in 2012. The whole atmosphere had caught my soul and I was totally in love with the sounds. Techno is a different world and you can close your eyes and escape to a magical place. I started DJing because it’s fun to mix some different tunes together and let them become one for a while; it’s also an effective medicine if you’re in a bad mood.

Which equipment/set up is your favorite and why?
As I began in March 2014 I tried some different equipment. At the beginning my equipment were two cheap turntables which I used for nearly 8 months to learn some basic stuff. After that I brought a S4 controller from NI which I used only for 2 months because I didn’t like it. And since December 2014 I use CDJ’s, two 900Nexus with an Allen & Heath DB2. I really love them.
The handling with the CDJ’s is really nice and the pitch faders are long enough to be able to beat match correctly. The S4 just works with Traktor and I didn’t want to take notebook with me every time I have a gig. Additionally the jog wheels and pitch faders were too small.

How would you describe your music?
The music I play is somehow dark but at the same time there is some melodic stuff included. For me it’s important that the track is floating and has movement.

Who are your idols?
I don’t have any idols. I just have some Artists who music I like. For example: Niereich, Matt Mus, Luix Spectrum, Lukas Freudenberger.

Where do you get your inspiration?
My podcasts sound differently depending on my mood.

What was the first vinyl you bought?
Manic Brother – Hidden Mantis

What was the last vinyl you bought?
Len Faki – Sound Associates

Do you have any residencies?
Well, I’m going to work with Ambulance Club Cologne and Warehouse Club Cologne

Where was your first gig?
My first Gig was in „Elektroküche Köln“ in March 2015.

Tell us a bit about what it’s like when you’re a few minutes away from coming on and playing your first track?
First I am very excited, but after I started to play the first track all my excitement disappears. It’s like magic.

Are there any upcoming releases or recently released stuff?
I’m working on that, but I have no exact release date.

What are you plans for the future?
So first to become a basic school teacher and work with children. And regarding music I wants to collect experience and reach many people.

What is your favorite animal?
I love lions, they are the best animals <3

Try to catch Jaade playing one of her deep and melodic techno sets. You got the chance on the 9th of October at Sound Contrast at Spirit Club, Primasens or on the 17th at Sonnenfinsternis at Elektroküche, Colone; it was a pleasure doing the interview with her and a pleaser listening to her set. And don’t forget to say hello from us!

– Larry


Tea at the Zoo

# 020 | Andrew Wowk

It’s Monday August 31 2015 – this is the twentieth TEA at the ZOO and we’re featuring Andrew Wowk. Andrew is good friend of Qu-Zen from Sydney and a friend of Qu-Zen is a friend us, especially if he is djing like bass. Say hello to Andrew Wowk from Time To Track, .darkroom | Sydney. So open your ears and hark to what he plays and has to say:

Could you tell us a little about your background, where you’re from and where are you living most of time?
I was born and raised in Sydney, Australia, but my family’s ethnic background is Ukrainian. I still live in Sydney, though I regularly visit Melbourne.

Where your love for electronic music did begin and why did you start DJing?
I first got into electronic music in the early 90’s (I was about 8 years old) through the popular dance music that was being played on the radio. I was into artists like Technotronic, Black Box, Corona, Ace of Base, and Rozalla, but at the time I didn’t really know what style of music they were, I just really liked them. I used to religiously read the liner notes from all the CDs I bought, and one of them mentioned “dance music”, which of course caught my interest as it was a term I hadn’t heard before. I spent time researching what this so-called “dance music” was, and discovered I really loved many of its various sub-genres. I can remember going through various phases of being totally obsessed with certain sub-genres and only listening to those specific styles (drum & bass/jungle, trance/hard house, funky house, techno), however eventually I broadened my horizons and started to appreciate a wide range of electronic music simultaneously. These days I love everything from techno to ambient soundscapes.
I was introduced to DJing when I was 16. I spent a week doing work experience at a radio station we used to have in Sydney called Rhythm FM, which exclusively played dance music. Before working there, I actually didn’t even know that two songs could be mixed together (I was too young to have gone to any parties or clubs, so I’d never seen a DJ in action, and all the CDs I listened to just had individual tracks on them). I spent some time in the studio one day and saw a guy mixing the music together and keeping it going continuously for a whole hour, and it just blew my tiny little teenage mind. I immediately asked him to explain what he was doing, and he happily obliged, showing me how the turntables and mixer work, and explaining the role of a DJ in a club or party. It was in that moment I knew I wanted to learn how to DJ. So I bought some turntables and a mixer and taught myself how to mix. And now here I am over a decade later still mixing and learning new things every day.

Which equipment/set up is your favorite and why?
I’ve been using Traktor Scratch with timecode CDs for the last five years, and I love it. Having all my music with me on my laptop means that I’m able to adapt to any situation, which means I feel more comfortable when I play since I know if I need to change up the vibe I have everything I need right there. I also use the looping function to extend transitions between tracks, and have multiple cue points set in my tracks if there is a particular part of a track I especially want to play (or skip). I like using the timecode CDs because I learned to mix on vinyl before moving to CDJs after about five years, so I still enjoy the process of beatmatching and the work that it takes to keep tracks in time. I just don’t get that same rush with MIDI controllers.
When it comes to the brand/model of the CDJs and mixer, I’m not too fussy (I’ll happily mix on anything), but my personal favourite mixers are the DJM-800/DJM-900 as they suit my mixing style and I like how the effects units can really add a lot to my performance. Though one thing I always ask for: three CDJs! I always mix on three decks, as I find it allows for more creativity and spontaneity, and it really requires that I stay on my toes and work hard when playing (I hate feeling like I’m being lazy when DJing).

How would you describe your music?
I love – and play – a really wide range of music, from abstract instrumental hip-hop to absurdly hard industrial techno, but despite being into so many different styles, something which is common to everything I love is soul/heart. If I listen to a track and I feel like I can really connect with the person who made it and feel like a part of them has been infused into the music, then there’s a good chance I will like it. It matters less to me that a track has a certain sound or vibe and more that it clearly was written to express the artist’s ideas, values, or feelings.
Another thing that is common to every track I love is an infectious bassline. If a track has a great bassline, it’s almost impossible not to move to it, and I’m very likely to be into it as a result. If I’m moving, then I’m liking what I’m hearing.
I’m also really attracted to interesting or unique sounds, effects and atmospheres. Tracks which feature elements that I don’t hear often in other tunes of the same genre will frequently grab my attention.

Who are your idols?
The DJs I truly love are those who play what they believe in and express themselves through their individual technical and musical styles, rather than worry about what they “should” or “shouldn’t” play. In terms of techno, I have always looked up to Dave Clarke, Jeff Mills, and Ben Sims, as they are technically superb (my desire to learn to mix on three decks came from seeing these guys play) and they have their own readily identifiable sounds that are clearly unique to them.
I also look up a huge deal to James Zabiela, Jon Convex, dBridge, Trent Reznor and Justin Broadrick because they represent an ethos I really respect: genre doesn’t matter. All of these artists have worked in countless different styles of music and because they genuinely just love expressing themselves musically, they actually create these coherent narratives and intelligent palettes of sound that beautifully tie together widely disparate genres of music. It’s something I’ve always loved trying to do myself as a DJ as well. Finding the common elements that exist between two tracks that are in completely different genres so that you can smoothly go from one to the other is so rewarding, and those guys are the people I think do it best.

Where do you get your inspiration from?
As cliché as it sounds, I try to draw inspiration from everywhere I can. I frequently think about what I like about genres other than dance music and how I could incorporate those aspects into my DJ sets, whether it be more directly (e.g., distortion and noise from industrial metal) or more abstractly (e.g., the improvisational nature of jazz).
I often get inspired by movies, TV shows and video games which make me feel a certain way and push me toward certain tracks or artists who evoke those same emotions in me when I listen to their music. The podcast I recorded for you guys was actually inspired by a video game I recently played called “The Evil Within”, which essentially led me to spend quite a few days after playing it introspectively considering the darker parts of my psyche and the human mind in general. I tried to make the podcast reflect how the game made me feel, which ranged from lost and confused to intensely angry, and even genuinely hopeful for the future and accepting of all parts of the human experience, good and bad. I even included some of my favourite dialogue from the game throughout the podcast to demonstrate that.
Of course other DJs inspire me a great deal too, especially those in Sydney I get to see play regularly and interact with. Qu-Zen has played a big part in me learning about the darker, grittier side of techno over the last 18 months, introducing me to a lot of great artists I didn’t know about previously as I typically focused more on funky, percussive sounds. The Rivet DJs like Monako and Ohmage show how beautifully techno, dubstep, drum & bass and garage can be mixed together. Simon Caldwell has this wonderful collection of rare and interesting house music that constantly reinvigorates my love for that genre whenever I see him play.

What was the first vinyl you bought?
The very first piece of vinyl I owned I actually inherited from one of the DJs at Rhythm FM. It was “One Night In N.Y.C.” by The Horrorist. The first record I bought with my own money was this weird breakbeat track called “Check Out Ya Pa” by Sons of Slough on the now defunct Whole Nine Yards label.

What was the last vinyl you bought?
I just ordered one of the limited edition vinyl copies of the soundtrack from the video game “The Last of Us” – not to listen to, just to own as a collector’s piece because I love the game so much.

Do you have any residencies?
I frequently play at Chinese Laundry here in Sydney, supporting internationals that come through the club such as Jeff Mills, James Zabiela, Ben Sims, Dave Clarke, Ben Klock, etc. I’m also a regular at parties like .darkroom, Afterlife, and S.A.S.H., and I have my weekly radio show called Time To Track on Bondi Beach Radio, which Jchn B. was kind enough to record an excellent mix for recently.

Where was your first gig?
It was actually in a DJ competition! The university I studied at used to run a student DJ competition, and I decided to enter after I’d been mixing for about a year. I ended up making it all the way to the finals and coming third, which I was really happy about.

Tell us a bit about what it’s like when you’re a few minutes away from coming on and playing your first track?
It’s a strange combination of excitement and deep concentration. Obviously I’m really keen to play because I want to feel that rush of sharing the music I love with the crowd and emotionally connect with them for the next hour or more, but at the same time, I’m also thinking very carefully about the energy in the room, what time it is, who else is playing before and after me and so on. I’m very cerebral, I enjoy thinking. However it can be easy to go down a rabbit hole and start over-analysing things, so often to help keep me focused I pick out a couple of people in the crowd that I just observe for a bit and try to get on their level and relate to.

Where did like it the most to DJ and why?
I was given a five hour set in a warehouse a couple of years ago and allowed to just go in any direction I pleased musically. I covered everything from funk to classic 90’s techno, and the crowd happily followed me at every turn. It was so satisfying to be able to just play music to a bunch of people who were there especially to get a glimpse into all the different sounds and styles I like. I am itching to do something like that again!
Chinese Laundry is also always a lot of fun. The crowd there is great, and some of my most memorable gigs have been warming up for my idols at Laundry. The Gladstone, which was this dingy pub we used to have in Sydney was also amazing, as it just had this outrageously good sound system and it was so dilapidated that the only reason people went there was to dance and enjoy music, because it sure as hell wasn’t the kind of place you’d just casually spend time in.

What was the funniest/craziest thing that happened on a gig?
So, something you need to know about me is that I’m nearly always hungry, and so I’m nearly always eating. When I played the five hour set at that warehouse party I mentioned above, I knew I would likely get hungry during the gig, so I brought some bananas with me. About 3 hours in to the set, I grabbed one of the bananas and started peeling it to eat it while still mixing tunes, not really thinking about the fact that it probably looked weird to the crowd that firstly I was eating a banana, and secondly that I was doing it so casually that I didn’t even stop mixing to eat it. I looked up and basically everyone in the room had stopped dancing and were either just standing there looking really confused or taking photos and videos with their phones!

Upcoming gigs?
At the end of September I’ll be playing a three hour set for my 30th birthday celebrations at Chinese Laundry, which will be loads of fun. I love long sets because I get to cover a wide range of styles and moods. Bodhi, who I love, are also playing on the night.
October 2nd I am playing a footwork/jungle/abstract hip-hop set at a club night called Riot, which features DJs playing all sorts of 170bpm music from drum & bass to early breakbeat hardcore.
And I might have already played this gig by the time this interview goes live, but on August 29th I am playing at a festival called Psyfari. It’s out in the Australian bush and it’s just amazing. The sound system and lighting is out of this world, and the lineup is stacked with incredible local talent. I’ll be playing a set that covers all sorts of techno-related sounds.

Are there any upcoming releases or recently released stuff?
I dabble in production every now and then when I’m feeling inspired, and anything I write ends up on my SoundCloud as a free download. I also upload archives of my radio show every week, and typically record my DJ sets in clubs. So there is also something new to listen to if you follow me!

What are you plans for the future?
I’d really like to get into production more seriously, rather than just dabble in it here and there. I have a lot of cool ideas I’d love to actually get out of my head and into a DAW.
I’m also hoping to make the trip over to Europe within the next couple of years to check out the scene in various countries and if I’m lucky play some gigs while I’m there. It’d be amazing to get to play somewhere like Berlin, Amsterdam, London or Paris.

What is your favorite animal?
I love German Shepherds.

Try to catch Andrew Wowk playing one of his infectious bassline sets; it was a pleasure doing the interview with this diverse artist and a pleaser listening to his set. And don’t forget to say hello from us!
– Larry


Tea at the Zoo

# 019 | Simo Lorenz

It’s Thursday July 23 2015 – this is the nineteenth TEA at the ZOO and we’re featuring one special DJ. Larry is waiting for this one since he heard him for the first time featured in the CLR Podcast series. Say hello to Simo Lorenz from BLAKKSHEPP, Club Lehmann | Berlin. So open your ears and hark to what he plays and has to say:

Could you tell us a little about your background, where you’re from and where are you living most of time?
I am originally from Stuttgart but moved to Berlin 1.5 years ago. I spend my summertime in Berlin but I usually escape from the winter greyness here and move the center of my life to the mountains between December and May.

Where did your love for electronic music begin and why did you start DJing?
I started DJing probably 9 years ago. I went to some raves and there was this DJ screwing up literally every mix. I didn’t know anything about turntables, a mixer, mixing itself or anything related, but I told myself – I can do that better. After a few screwed mixes he took off his shirt and played topless [laughter]. I went to buy my first pair of 1210s not long after and started to buy vinyl and to learn to beat match and mix.

Which equipment/set up is your favorite and why?
There were some kinds of fully digital solutions existing when I started to DJ, but being able to play a proper vinyl set was always a “must” for me as this is the very basics of DJing.
After I started producing a lot, I kind of felt limited with 2 tracks running and nothing to add or to tear apart, therefore I changed my system to a fully digital one.
Right now I’m playing with 2 laptops, one with Traktor, the other with Ableton and Maschine. Next to the X1s for controlling the 4 decks in Traktor I’m also using a Faderfox LC2 for the different Maschine soundbanks, which are routed to different channels in Ableton.
The negative thing about this setup is definitely the space it needs plus the shitload of gear and cables you are carrying around. But the explosive tests at nearly every flight are for free on top.
The benefit for me lies on the hand. I am now totally able to play my very personal interpretation of techno and I am in control of what is going on!

How would you describe your music?
Hypnotic and loopy techno.

Who are your idols?
Regarding DJing – surely Jochem (Speedy J). The style and track selection plus the technical skills are pure techno for my very personal taste.

Where do you get your inspiration?
Inspiration can come from everywhere. It can be this small little sound in a track you hear at a club, a painting or a sculpture. There’s not the “one” thing where I am going to when I need inspiration. Unfortunately 😉

What was the first vinyl you bought?
Phew, hard to remember. Probably something from Kompakt.

What was the last vinyl you bought?
The last vinyl I got was the Speak Silence album from Drumcell – still my favorite techno album.

Do you have any residencies?
Yes, Lehmann Club in Stuttgart. The home for Techno!

Where was your first gig?
My first gig was near Lake Constance. It was together with a friend of whom I started to spin and… well … it was a first gig [laughter].

Where do you like to DJ the most and why?
Phew… there were plenty of cool gigs in the last year. I really enjoyed Bar Americas in Guadalajara / Mexico in May as the club had the perfect size, an awesome vibe and I could play a long set until the lights went on. That’s where the recording is from by the way. Of course I always love to play at #Home (Lehmann) as it always feels like a big family. Actually it is I guess. Awesome PA, great crowd and the best monitoring I’ve ever played.
Then there are those really rough and dark places in basements like Stattbad or Tresor where my music fits in perfectly.

What was the funniest/craziest thing that happened to you at a gig?
Well … not sure if you really want to hear THAT!!!

Upcoming gigs?
I’m playing 2 slots at Nature One 31-02/08. August is a bit more calm (as always during summertime) with something in Munich, the Droid night at Lehmann with Truncate, Drumcell and Luis Flores.

Are there any upcoming releases or recently released stuff?
Yes there are. A remix for Hours on his new label Concepts of Time will hit the stores end of July. Another one for A.Paul will come out in September (it’s in the podcast around minute 25) and I finished an EP which should be out soon.

What are your plans for the future?
I am working on a lot of original productions at the moment, so there should be some more output this year from me. Then there is ADE nearly around the corner where we have a very cool Blakksheep stage hosting at the Dockyard Festival and some more showcases all over Europe. Also some gigs in countries I’ve never been too are happening at the end of the year so this will also be very exciting!

What is your favourite animal?
I really like fennec foxes – small, cute with big ears and perfectly adapted to a very rough life in the dessert. Great contrast.

Try to catch Simo Lorenz playing one of his hypnotic and loopy techno sets; it was a pleasure doing the interview with this congenial artist and a pleaser listening to his set. And don’t forget to say hello from us!

– Larry


Tea at the Zoo

# 018 | bluscreen

It’s Thursday June 18 2015 – this is the eighteenth TEA at the ZOO and we are proud to present you someone, who also was with us straight from the beginning. Say hello to bluscreen from Animal Instinct | Bonn. So open your ears and hark to what he plays and has to say:

Could you tell us a little about your background, where you’re from and where are you living most of time?
I was raised in a small town in the “Sauerland” (some ppl call it acid land … ) where most inhabitants are either cows, pigs or sheep. In the beginning there was no electronic scene at all.. some things changed but most of the time it’s still like that. Anyhow, I moved to Karlsruhe for my studies which is where I’m still living currently.

Where did your love for electronic music begin and why did you start DJing?
I was fascinated by the early James Holden mixes and also influenced by some Sven Väth mixes. Then we started going to raves and all that. Since I had always been a musician and good with computers I started getting into producing quite quickly. At some point I sold my old epiphone guitar and bought a drum machine for that.

Which equipment/set up is your favorite and why?
I still kind of like this drum machine I got. It’s an E-MU XL7 and its not famous for its intuitive menus or great samples but it has a lot of functions and the best drum pads I’ve experienced so far.

How would you describe your music?
Unfortunately I don’t find much time at the moment to get into producing that much. The music I play vary between slow & deep trax up to harder and more progressive techno records. I’ve always been a big fan of the 303.

Who are your idols?
I think there’s a lot of great sounds out on the market… I used to really look up to James Holden as a DJ because he really had a streak of amazing mixes in… I think 08/09… I would have called him an idol back then.

Where do you get your inspiration?
Powerful plants.

What was the first vinyl you bought?
Trackleton – Jump (Still one of my favorites).

What was the last vinyl you bought?
Juju & Jordash – Clean Cut.

Do you have any residencies?
No. None. But I hope my booking agent is working on. [laughter]

Where was your first gig?
Actually that was in a bar in Brilon. Was a fun party though!

Tell us a bit about what it’s like when you’re a few minutes away from coming on and playing your first track?
I’m usually wondering if the turntables are ok and if my predecessor will finish up on time (which they usually don’t).

Where did like it the most to DJ and why?
I quite enjoyed playing in Xberg on the first of may. It was a very sunny day and the crowd was vibrant.

What was the funniest/craziest thing that happened on a gig?
There was this one guy snorting some mysterious white powder from a running turntable.

Upcoming gigs?
You tell me! Probably Winterstein in August.

Are there any upcoming releases or recently released stuff?
Nothing. Unfortunately I’m too busy with my “normal career” right now…

What are you plans for the future?
Exercise more and start my first album

What is your favorite animal?
I think crabs are quite fun… they always bring their scissors… Did you know some species meet and pile up on each other, forming a giant crab hill?

Try to catch bluscreen playing one of his crazy deep harmonic acid sets, it was a pleasure doing the interview with him and a pleaser listening to his set. So don’t forget to say hello from us!

– Larry


Tea at the Zoo

# 017 | Eve Schwarz

It’s Thursday May 21, 2015 – this is the 17th TEA at the ZOO and we´re visiting another important Techno City w/ Eve Schwarz from Monophonia | Frankfurt. She established herself as a known figure in the Frankfurt Scene and from there the sky opened up for her to conquer the rest of the World. So open your ears and hark to what she plays and has to say:

Hey Eve, we´re very happy to have you here, could you tell us a little about your background, where you’re from and where are you living most of time?
Hey Larry, thanks for having me. I am originally from Hesse, Germany and I was moving around quite a lot, but since 2013 Frankfurt am Main has been my home base.

When and why did you start DJing?
I started around 2009. I loved techno and was somehow impressed by that kind of music on a vinyl disc, which I know from my parents and their “Oldies”. To touch the music I play was an attraction, as I’ve always played instruments.
I guess the final push was given to me by a DJane who played as a resident in a Munich club, she showed me that women can dj.

Which equipment/set up is your favorite and why?
Meanwhile I play with CDJ. I don’t need to explain advantages, but I still preserve my distance from DJing with software. This is a personal thing; it’s the feeling and the fact that I don’t feel the need to stare at a computer in a club (you can call me old school). I also don’t use too many effects or effect equipment, I rather choose effective tracks that tell their own story or fuse them to create a tension – keep it simple.

How would you describe your music?
Techno. Synthesic, pure, raw. It needs to be strong and energetic but also emotional, deep or hypnotic. I like defined beats, a clear line. And it is definitely not only a fun dance music; much more it reflects the way I feel as I don’t live on the surface, so the music I play can’t be.

Who are your idols?
It is hard to say a name of a DJ that I want to be like. In the end I need to go my own way and I’m not trying to copy somebody. Many artists inspire me but I think idols for me are people I am much closer to, people I know and people who influence my way and actions on a personal level, or assist me in difficult times. I think my friends are kind of my idols.

Where do you get your inspiration from?
I am sucking the world in – very much visually and emotionally …the craziness, the beauty of life and nature. Moments that touch me deeply, I think, I convert into sound.
A direct musical inspiration I get a lot from the southern European techno these days. Portugal, Spain, Greece, Italy have some great artists. Sometimes combined with the English rawness I find is quite explosive.

What was the first vinyl you bought?
I don’t exactly remember but “Radio Slave – Grindhouse” was amongst the first I bought. However, I also own many records that are much older than my own DJ existence like Tresor, Kanzleramt or Hardhouse releases that I bought used– also many classics.

What was the last vinyl you bought?
“Eminor #20”

Do you have any residencies?
At a club right now, no. I shortly got out of the MTW / Offenbach to check out new perspectives. But I am a part of Anthony Rother’s event “Monophonia” which was born in 2014.

Where was your first gig?
In my living room.

Where did you like it the most to DJ and why?
One highlight was definitely the Monophonia Opening in Frankfurt, as I happened to be part of this concept quite from the first ideas. I grew with it and the opening night under the bridge was a blast. Location, atmosphere, sound – unique.

What was the funniest/craziest thing that happened on a gig?
Most gigs have special moments, but definitely funny was when during a sound check the bass of my music opened the fridge behind the bar and the complete content of beer bottles slipped out. Only few bottles broke though, thank god for good German glass [laughter].

Upcoming gigs?
Check gigs.gigatools.com/user/Eve

Are there any upcoming releases or recently released stuff?
I am still exploring music production and definitely needed a while to find the right methods and equipment to create the sound I really like. At the moment I am happy to have some time for the studio and the machines are running. This summer will bring a couple of new releases, 2 tracks are already signed.

What are your plans for the future?
Techno Techno Techno 🙂

What is your favorite animal?
Owls are really cool, funny and weird! And they represent the night activity.
This is why I chose the owl for this podcast.

Try to catch Eve Schwarz playing one of his emotional, deep and hypnotic sets; it was a pleasure doing the interview with her and a pleaser listening to her set. So don’t forget to say hello from us!

– Larry



Tea at the Zoo

# 016 | Florian Kern

It’s Thursday April 23 2015 – this is the sixteenth TEA at the ZOO and we are proud to present you someone, who was with us straight from the beginning. Say hello to Florian Kern from Animal Instinct | Nuremberg. So open your ears and hark to what he plays and has to say:

Where are you from?
I’m from Schwabach, a small town near Nuremberg, Germany.

Where are you living most of your time?
On the moon.

How old are you?
28 years.

When and why did you start DJing?
A few years ago, perhaps 6, I was bored of listening to bad music from others [laughter].

Which equipment/set up is your favourite and why?
Digital and/or CDJs. Not because of syncing (beat matching is something I learned years ago on my Technics 1210 which I got very cheap), but because of looping. I hated it, yes really hated it! And still hate this “bang“ beat in, “bang“ beat out style of mixing I heard a lot before I started DJing myself. Of course there were some masters where you didn’t really mention mixing the new track in, but mostly I heard “BANG” and in my opinion this is rude and not very sensible, especially not very musical. So I decided to play digital or with CDJs where I can loop the track. Perhaps I’m not good enough in mixing Vinyl for my standards, that’s probably a reason. Traktor or the CDJs allows me to loop the beginning and the end of tracks and it’s always my decision when this time has come. With that I’m able to put an end right in the middle of a track, if I want to, and switch in the new one as slow as I want. A normal ear needs time to acclimate to new sounds and if you’re putting in to many frequencies at one time it could lead to a strange incorrect feeling while listening.
Another reason for the digital decision was and still is that I’m allowed to have 4 decks at one time, so I always can prelist to 4 decks and take the track that fits most in my mix even if I know my library. But, having 4 channels open on the mixer at the same time nearly always sounds like shit and I tried it many times, there are too many frequencies. If you’re not Chris Liebing with a huge library of self-made samples etc. you simply shouldn’t do that. Same with CDJs, it’s possible to switch between tracks very fast if they don’t fit together with their harmony. Not so easy with vinyl.
Another reason for digital DJing for me is when you play vinyl, once your decision about a track is made you have to be very fast to find a new one if you change your mind in a short time, and the quality of mixing suffers in this example. Besides that, playing vinyl does not automatically stand for quality.
Equipment I use: MacBook Pro 13’’, Traktor Pro, Native Instruments Audio 10 DJ, Allen Heath Xone K2 and I always prefer an Allen Heath Xone 92 mixer. 2 Pioneer CDJ 850, 900 or 2000. Two USB sticks are easier to carry.

How would you describe your music?
From deep to dark, to bad ass industrial, to acid and often melodic. It depends on the season, but mainly I would call it Techno.

Who are your idols?
[Puuuh] There are so many people that influenced me privately or music-wise. But for my whole life I think it’s Ché Guevarra.

 Where do you get your inspiration?
Everywhere. If I’m bored, if I have a good/bad mood, being pissed off, if there are impressing landscapes at a vacation etc. everything is inspiration! Open your eyes and minds!!!

What was the first vinyl you bought?
A locked groove vinyl for practicing, can’t remember the name but something from Sender Berlin.

What was the last vinyl you bought?
Something from Len Faki’s Figure-Label, Cryptic!

Do you have any residencies?
Unfortunately I do not. Yet!

Where was your first gig?
At a small club in Nuremberg which does not exist anymore, with REBEKAH. Man, I was so excited; I almost peed myself [laughter].

Where did you like it the most to DJ and why?
In small dusty and sweaty clubs, no colored lights, just strobe. And at small open airs. I love being out in the nature with good music, this bear grills thing while mixing 😉

What was the funniest/craziest thing that happened at a gig?
At Magdalena, a club in Berlin. A guy thought he was a masseuse during my gig – I guess in his world he was doing something really good to me, but in reality his kneading hurt a lot! But I always kept in mind that if I don’t say anything to him he probably might get bored giving me a massage. FAIL! Not until one hour later and me DJing like Quasimodo he stopped. Later that evening he was escorted out of the club, don’t know whom he massaged after me [laughter].

Are there any upcoming releases or recently released stuff?
Not yet, work in progress.

What are you plans for the future?
This is something I will see tomorrow.

What is your favorite animal?

Try to catch Florian Kern playing one of his harmonic but pushing sets, it was a pleasure doing the interview with him and a pleaser listening to his set. So don’t forget to say hello from us!

– Larry



Tea at the Zoo

# 015 | Dr. Motte

It’s Thursday March 26, 2015 – this is the 15th TEA at the ZOO and we got a big one. This time we were very proud to interview one of Techno’s legends, Dr. Motte from Praxxiz | Berlin. So open your ears and hark to what he plays and has to say:

Dear Dr. Motte, last year you announced to run for mayor in Berlin. Meanwhile, Mr. Wowereit has stepped down but you’re not mayor. What happened?
Well, I didn’t really mean it. But it’s fun to think of it, actually.

If you were in charge of Berlin for one day, what would be your first official act?
I would install an additional mayor just for the night time. They did something similar in Amsterdam. There would be one mayor for the day-to-day routine and a night time mayor, responsible for bars and gastronomy. At least 70 % of all people visiting Berlin come here for experiencing its nightlife. It’s important to keep that in mind. As my second official act I would lower the taxes for all events and clubs. It would be a simple way to support them.

Do you consider yourself a political person?
Yes, ever since my brothers took me to a rally against the war in Vietnam in 1972 as a twelve year old boy. Since then, I look at the world with open eyes. Also, I would describe myself as a social person.

Do artists have a political obligation?
Assuming that we are living in a political society, everything we do in the public space is political. Everything. The question is: what is politics after all? I think it is about creating a public spirit, a sense of solidarity. Politics must be for the people. Politicians as elected representatives have the duty to defend civil rights against the capital. I see that this poses various problems in Berlin as well as on a global scale – because politicians don’t live up to this duty! Take TTIP and CETA. It comes down to this: we won’t have a democracy anymore but will be dominated by others. It will be almost impossible to challenge that. Personally, I find it interesting to take not of these developments, analyze them, meditate and find solutions.

Obviously, you were not elected mayor. What would you choose to do for a living if it wasn’t DJing?
Be an architect. I worked as a concrete pourer on different construction sites in Berlin for six years and planned to become an architect. Since I also was a punk, this plan didn’t work out that well. Our band was called „Die toten Piloten“ (Dead Pilots).

What was your instrument?
In fact, I am a drummer. My mom bought me a drum set when I was 16 years old. It stood in our living room. I saved some money to get myself the Pearl “Syncusion”, a control module that worked with pads. I still have my drum set, but the Pearl is gone ever since I lent it to someone.

Why did you swap your drum set for the turntables?
I played in the band and worked on the construction site at the same time. It made me sick to wake up at 5 a.m. and start working at 6 a.m. every day. As I naturally get up late I had to throw up once in a while on my way to work. One day we had planned a concert with the Dead Pilots so I asked my boss for a day off without pay. He declined and threatened to kick me out if I didn’t show up. Well, obviously I didn’t go to work that day. Looking back, I should thank my boss. I struggled to pay rent and started selling tapes of my first recordings in bars and restaurants. I lived on that for a while. You could get by with 120,- Deutsch Mark a month back then.

You could live on your music right away?
Well, the job center made life easier as well. However, I started throwing parties soon. I always carried three tape decks with me: for winding forward, pre-listening and playing. I jotted down the BPMs of all my tracks in a small notebook. A friend of mine already worked as a DJ in a small club in Kreuzberg. That’s where I played my first public gigs. One year later we had the Turbine Rosenheim.

In 2015 you’re celebrating your 30 year stage anniversary with an extended world tour. Where will you play? How many gigs?
I just came back from a tour around India with DJ Rummy Sharma and DJ Gokul. I will spend spring and summer in Europe to play in Italy, the Netherlands, Poland, Luxembourg, etc. But we’re also working on turs across the USA and South America. In the fall and winter, I will be in Australia. The Goethe Institute invited me to give some lectures on Berlin music history and the Festival Genialer Dilettanten. And, of course, I will play some gigs, too. My team is also working on a tour through Japan and New Zealand. In December, I will celebrate the tour’s finale in Berlin.

Is there a location you’re particularly excited about?
Actually, all of them. I can’t get enough of playing, playing, playing. I’m excited to play at Promised Land Festival in Spanwoude, Netherlands, and at Silesia in Love in Chorzaw, Poland. I am also happy to be invited to Mayday and Nature One, yet again! Electronic music is an exciting adventure. I try to take people by the hand and guide them trough my universe of sound.

The tour is called „Friede. Freude. Eierkuchen.“ (the proverbial love, peace and harmony, in German: peace, joy and pancakes). It’s the same motto as that of the very first Love Parade in 1989. What did it mean to you back then and what does it mean to you today?
Back then it was an attempt to rally for something, not to demonstrate against something. We took a popular proverb but provided new contents. Peace – for interpersonal disarmament. Joy – music as means of understanding. Use music to express yourself and everybody else would understand. Everybody understands music because it’s a universal language. Pancakes – for fair food distribution. It’s an important issue more than ever, I guess.
The use of this theme has a second purpose as well. I’d like to bring the origins back to mind. I embrace that there are a lot of books about how it all started. We are originators. We need to pass the torch to the younger generation, the successors. That’s essential for human culture and for the culture of electronic music as well.

So you go back to the roots?
Only trees with roots will bear fruit. Only if I know where it all comes from, am I able to ground myself.

Do you really see yourself as a progenitor or is it rather an image others have given you?
I really have to contain myself here. The history of electronic music started in 1940. I am just a tiny rock in a huge mosaic.

Comparing the electronic music scene back in the days of its origin to today’s mass phenomenon – what comes to mind?
The essential question that everyone must ask is: How can I be the lighthouse in the sea? I don’t want to be part of the mainstream, that’s not special. I simply skip that. I’m thrilled when I get a request for re-mixing a piece that I normally would not even appreciate much. That’s a great challenge. It turns me into a nerd and I won’t stop until the result truly satisfies me. It’s about your musical skills rather than putting some samples together. You really need to know what you’re doing. It’s this: computers allow us to do almost everything these days. However, it would be absolutely crucial for many people to deal with a real synthesizer just for a day. In the end, it’s all about the music. Music lets you do whatever you want. It doesn’t judge.

What type of music do you listen to besides techno?
None! If I don’t listen to techno my ears need some rest. But I’m just kidding. To be honest, I love to listen to a lot of music. Funk, soul, jazz, classical music, chillout… Recently, I was at a concert by Glen Branca.

What inspires you?
I take my inspiration from my personal musical history. I grew up with classical music. My mom sang in a choir. In kindergarden they also noticed my musical talent, so what do you think my mum did? She put me into a ballet class (laughs). When I was 14 years old my brothers made me discover Free Jazz. I felt my brain exploding. Free Jazz caused the one desire that has never left me: fulfilment through music.

When DJing, how much do you prepare and how much do you improvise?
I am really bad when it comes to planning things. I roughly know how to begin. Everything else I do on the spur of the moment. I like to see myself as a spectator, as a catalyst of the present, the atmosphere, the vibe. I want to make people dance. Of course, I can only bring a limited amount of tracks to my gigs, be it vinyls, CDs or .wav-files.

Jeff Mills‘ approach is to ignore the audience most of the time. He only looks at his decks and doesn’t really care if people like what he’s doing.
Well, as an DJ and artist I play my sound resolutely. I don’t play “what they want to hear” because that means consent. I am creative and want to educate the audience and surprise them with new stuff they don’t know. Of course, I had a few gigs where nobody danced or some guys wanted me to play some sing-along songs or so called club hits. I never do and I don’t give a damn about it. Please take for granted that I want to make people dance! But I can only use the means that I have. I am just who I am – period.

From small clubs to massive open air events you have played at virtually every venue. Where do you feel most comfortable?
Last weekend I played in a tiny club in Heilbronn called Bukowski. It took no more than 100 people to fill up the place. That’s where I feel most comfortable. Close to the audience, wicked sound, authentic club. You stand right in the middle, it’s not perfect, it’s not posh, but it’s cool, simply superb. Powerful, saturated sound, just like it’s meant to be. It was great fun, people cheered, and we just had a proper party. I played for three hours. They had to drag me away from the decks (laughs).

What was the most exceptional thing that ever happened to you while DJing?
It’s something that happened in a dream. I dreamt that in Turbine Rosenheim the turntables were three meters in diameter. I could only feel, not see them. That’s the most extreme thing I can imagine. I woke up with cold sweat on my forehead.

Do you remember a moment when you were fed up with Techno?
(long silence) No. Well, actually yes, in 1992. It was an awful year anyway. Suddenly, Smurf Techno was all over the place and we had some issues within the Loveparade team. I just had enough when I couldn’t play in Planet Club the day after the Love Parade because some people had booked the place for their wedding. Nobody called me and I was really pissed because that was a club I helped establishing. After this situation I went to Hamburg. In retrospect, I should be thankful to these people because I produced my Euphorhythm album „Chill Out Planet Earth“ in Hamburg.

What’s your favourite equipment for DJing?
I keep it really simple: two USB-sticks, a couple of security backups on CD, that’s it. Yes, please, bitch about it! All that counts is the sound that comes out of the speakers. People dancing are not interested in a nerdy discussion. In the end, your equipment doesn’t matter. Quality matters. You must not hear transitions, ideally you mix musically or at least rhythmically. What’s worse: a DJ playing great tracks but totally lacking technique or a DJ showing off great technique but playing lame tracks?

What makes the difference between playing open air and clubs?
Oh, you play really different styles. But it depends on the festival or club itself. Every venue has its own vibe and so every set is different.

What’s the most recent track you purchased?
Well, people keep throwing promos at me all the time so I have barely purchased any track in a long time. I guess it was Octopuss by Johannes Heil & Len Faki something by Philippe Petit.

Do you still remember the first record you bought?
My first LP was Made in Japan by Deep Purple. The first single was Popcorn by Archaic System.

30 years on stage in 2015 – will you celebrate 60 years on stage in 2045?
When? Will I be able to experience that? If so: YES!

We hope so! Our last question: what’s your favourite animal?
I find the naked mole rat hilarious. Look at its teeth! (laughs) It’s not the most beautiful creature under the sun, but I guess it doesn’t really give a damn since it doesn’t look at itself.

Try to catch Dr. Motte playing one of his forward pushing sets, it was an honor doing the interview with him and a pleaser listening to his set. So don’t forget to say hello from us!

– Larry


Tea at the Zoo

# 014 | Qu-Zen

It’s Thursday February 12, 2015 – this is the 14th TEA at the ZOO, after Europe and South America we’re yet discovering another continent, Australia. W/ Qu-Zen from .zenroom | Sydney, we got a real lady on techno-fire. So open your ears and hark to what she plays and has to say:

Where are you from?
Sydney, Australia

Where are you living most of your time?
Currently living in Sydney. I’ll be relocating to Berlin in September this year.

How old are you?
29 years young.

When and why did you start DJing?
I started DJing in clubs in 2010. There was never a significant moment when the decision was made, it happened organically. I can’t remember a time that I wasn’t drawn to music and the dance floor has always felt like a second home to me.

Which equipment/set up is your favourite and why?
1 DJM700, 3 CDJ 850s. I find using 3 CDJs more challenging and layering/mashing tracks is just way more fun. All my podcasts are recorded using this set up as I really enjoy mixing and wouldn’t record any other way.
With production I use Ableton Live with a Roland Aira TR-8 and Akai APC mini controller.

How would you describe your music?
I love all styles of Techno and I always try to add a little bit of everything into my sets – that being the more delicate and intricate sound where you can just smile and let your mind drift, the funky stuff that gets you dancing, some acid thrown in for good measure, the deep and dubby groove you can bop to, as well as all things gritty and industrial where all you can really do is move side to side and stand there with your head in your hands because it’s so good it’s melting your mind and you don’t know what else to do [hahaha].
I pretty much go by my current mood and how I’m feeling, music is my therapy.

 Who are your idols?
Speedy J. I was lucky enough to support Speedy J at Chinese Laundry and it was a very memorable night. He just makes me dance to the point where I never want to stop. One of my all-time favourite sets is one by Zeitgeber for 7 hours at Trouw and it’s quite a beautiful journey. Floating ambience at the beginning, not knowing what was going to happen next and casually growing and piecing together a place in my mind, I like that about music and I love that about Techno…the way it draws you in.
I really admire Dave Clarke’s technical skills behind the decks, he’s always doing something to keep things interesting and the crowd never gets bored. A little flick here and there, and cut in and out of that, then tweak and tweak and TWEAK…….then BOOM! *crowd goes nuts*

 Where do you get your inspiration?
Inspiration is in everything. My creative process is natural and not something that can be forced, I wait for it to come to me. I always have something playing in my life which helps keep the process flowing whether it be techno, dub techno, drum & bass, rock or classical. Lately I’ve been listening to a lot of African tribal drumming, I have this growing obsession with percussion rhythms and I love the way it can faintly build intensity in your mind and make you move. Dino Sabatini’s work is always inspirational to me, listening to it originally was what sent me down the path of production.
I taught myself how to DJ by watching others and I still do this today. Watching DJs connect with music, watching how they use the mixer, when they use their headphones and try to keep up with what they’re doing, how they move, how they react – all of this excites me and inspires me. Kate Doherty who’s a Sydney local is always a joy to watch, she has this infections energy and it helps me to being a little more animated and playful at my own gigs. Andrew Wowk is one of the most creative and smooth DJs I’ve ever seen and watching what he does makes me want to go home and try the same.
Environment is so important to me for inspiration as well and this is what’s encouraged me to move to Berlin. My time spent there previously was so powerful and I’m looking forward to making the permanent move there in September.

What was the first vinyl you bought?
I actually purchased a random milk crate of vinyl and remember there was a lot of Carl Cox.

What was the last vinyl you bought?
The Beatles – Abbey Road

 Do you have any residencies?
I’m a resident at .darkroom which is run by Gav Whalan. Our focus is on local DJs and the hardest techno in town. .darkroom is like my home and playing there surrounded by so many friends and Sydney’s biggest Techno heads is always ridiculous amounts of fun, and I never hold back!

Where was your first gig?
My first gig was in 2010 at a long running party called Plastic. The promoter went berserk with the decorations and it set the atmosphere perfectly, I remember the DJ booth was surrounded by tin foil madness and I felt like I was operating a giant machine of some kind. It was loads of fun and I just didn’t want to stop playing.

Where did like it the most to DJ and why?
Tresor in Berlin. The atmosphere was intense, the place was red, red and RED! I got to play alongside Damon Wild and 88UW which was very special. The dance floor was jam packed and I’ve never felt so much energy in one room before, it was a little overwhelming and my favourite gig so far.
It was truly an honour playing down in the vault. That room holds many stories and so much history that even just being there was so influential.
I was lucky enough to play in Globus as well for Electric Monday and that gig was just as momentous. The crowd’s response to my set kept me smiling from ear to ear for days after and that sound system is simply amazing!

What was the funniest/craziest thing that happened on a gig?
I seem be a magnet for cutting the power or blowing a speaker in nightclubs and it’s happened on a few occasions (must be the techno [hahaha])
I remember one night at .darkroom the fire alarm set off during my set and when I took my headphones off I thought the alarm was part of the track because they sat quite well together, and I thought “oh, I didn’t know the track did that, sounds cool” and then just kept playing.

Upcoming gigs?
In February I’m actually playing my first Drum & Bass gig at Afterlife which should be heaps of fun! I also have some international support gigs coming up that I cannot reveal as yet…stay tuned!

 Are there any upcoming releases or recently released stuff?
I put some of my music up on my SoundCloud for free so download away if you enjoy.
I also have a monthly Podcast series on Fnoob Techno Radio called .zenroom, these also get uploaded onto my SoundCloud for your listening pleasure.

What are you plans for the future?
As I mentioned earlier, I’m making the big move to Berlin in September this year. With a little luck I hope to play through Europe and take advantage of the fact I’m not 21 hours away from everything here in Australia. This is also a great time to dive even deeper into production. I’m going with an open mind, open heart, lots of Techno and that could lead me anywhere.

What is your favourite animal?
Black Panther.

Try to catch Qu-Zen playing one of her forward pressing sets, it was a pleaser doing the interview with her and listening to her set. So don’t forget to say hello from us!

– Larry


Tea at the Zoo

# 013 | Hours

It’s Thursday January 15, 2015 – this is the 13th TEA at the ZOO and the first one of the new year! We wish you a great one!

To be honest, we had a fantastic 2014, packed with inspiring artists and amazing sounds. So how’s 2015 gonna be? As for us, we’ll continue spreading fine sets from great DJs, hope to please your senses and grow our community!

The new year starts with a blast! We’re more than happy to present an exclusive set by HOURS from Affin, Agentur Lehmann | Stuttgart. HOURS is another talent at the decks from Southern Germany who’ll prove that they don’t only have heavy beer, but heavy beats as well. As a Lehmann Club resident, HOURS has rocked the crowd for more than 3 years now with his deep, intriguing sound. Enjoy the interview and drop a line if you liked the set!

Where are you from?
Hi there, thanks for having me! I’m from Nürtingen, a small town near Stuttgart.

Where are you living most of your time?
I’m basically commuting between my studio (www.xcubestudios.com) which is located a bit outside of Stuttgart, and Stuttgart itself.

How old are you?
I’m 27 – the big 30 is looming already!

When and why did you start DJing?
I started 9 years ago in a little club in Nürtingen after winning a DJing competition which I spontaneously took part in. We played mostly mixed music on 2 HiFi-CD-Players by Sony without a pitch fader and a DJM 600 by Pioneer. Shortly after, I got a residency at infamous Club Prag (precursor of Lehmann Club) on Fridays where I played Rock and Metal. I’ve always listened to a lot of different kinds of music so my desire to improve my DJing skills took over quickly. I also played a lot of Funk and Hip Hop Vinyl Sets at other venues in Stuttgart. About three years ago I got back into Techno and that’s where my focus has been ever since.

Which equipment/set up is your favourite and why?
I really don’t care about all the Software vs. CDJs vs. Vinyl hate, as long as the music is great it doesn’t matter where it comes from. I’m able to DJ with all three of them. Usually I use 4 decks of Traktor alongside my trusty DSI Tempest, a Boss DD-7 and an Eventide Space, all of which runs through an A&H X:One 92. When playing b2b or in case there is not enough space I prefer using CDJs. I don’t play Vinyl as HOURS because I just don’t have that much electronic music on that format. My Vinyl collection consists mostly of Jazz, Funk and Classical Music with some Old School Hip Hop and Rock tunes.

How would you describe your music?
Deep, groovy and atmospheric? Still plenty of drive in it I’m told. Just listen to the Podcast 😛

Who are your idols?
As DJs, Chris Liebing, Speedy J and Ben Klock come to mind. The first two because of their use of technology, the latter because of the atmosphere he is able to create with just one record. On the side of producing, artists I look up to are Drumcell, Trent Reznor and Black Asteroid. But there are many more, some from genres that don’t have anything to do with electronic music, like Björn Gelotte from In Flames.

Where do you get your inspiration?
Movies, Books, Science Fiction. I’m kind of a big nerd. I love the classics like 2001: A Space Odissey, Logan’s Run or Blade Runner. I just love that these kind of stories are back en vogue at the moment with fascinating stuff like Interstellar or Gravity. We need to get people back into futurism!

What was the first vinyl you bought?
Placebo – Sleeping with Ghosts.

What was the last vinyl you bought?
UVB – Second Life EP (MORD).

Where was your first gig?
Club Kuckucksei in Nürtingen. Some private parties before that… I can’t recall anymore.

Where did you like it the most to DJ and why?
Some friends of mine do an Open Air every year in a forest that is called Odenwald. It’s a charity event where all the raised money is donated, and the DJs play for free. I’m not a big fan of festivals, however, this is something really special for me. The place has something like a holy vibe. I love playing there, people are great.
Another great place is Lehmann’s second floor. It’s small, dark and can get pretty crowded, but I love the atmosphere. It’s where everything started for me.

What was the funniest/craziest thing that happened on a gig?
I once played in a railroad cabin that was stuffed. People started moving simultaneously so the whole thing started to shake. In that moment you could feel the music with all your senses. Pretty sick!

Are there any upcoming releases or recently released stuff?
I’m currently looking for a nice little place for my next EP, and there will be some more remixes out soon, so stay tuned!

What are you plans for the future?
I’d like to play a few live shows again, I’m currently working on some more material, and maybe I’ll have enough at the end of 2015. On the other hand I love to play completely improvised live sets, so maybe I’ll put the focus there. We’ll see, I’d like to cooperate with somebody in this case too.

What is your favourite animal?
I’ll go with a Wombat. Have you seen them? They are like Killer-Ninja-Gerbil-Hamsters.

Try to catch Hours playing one of his driven and playful sets at Auf & Davon Heidelberg /w Philipp Kipphan and Philipp Heumann, 06.02.2015 or at CLR Stuttgart /w Chris Liebing and Raphael Dincsoy, 21.02.2015. Don’t forget to say hello from us!

– Larry


Booking contact:

Tea at the Zoo

# 012 | Rodrigo Garcia

It’s Tuesday December 23, 2014 – this is the twelfth TEA at the ZOO, tomorrow is Christmas and with Rodrigo Garcia from Diffuse Reality | Buenos Aires we have a warm gift from Argentina. In November 2013 I heard him play at Tresor Berlin and I was just simply amazed about his style of Techno! So I was really happy when he confirmed to make a set for our podcast and I’m sure you will enjoy it as much as I did.

Where are you from?
I’m from Buenos Aires, Argentina.

Where are you living most of your time?
I’m now living in Barcelona.

How old are you?
28 years old.

Which equipment/set up is your favourite and why?
2 CD player + 2 Turntables + Mixer. What I’ve always used.

How would you describe your music?
In this podcast I describe most of my music.

Who are your idols?
Charles Bukowski.

What was the first vinyl you bought?
The first vinyl I bought was Dave Clarke – Red. 1.

What was the last vinyl you bought?
The last vinyl I bought was OMD – Dazzle slips.

Where was your first gig?
My first gig was a private underground event called Submerge organized with friends in Zarate, my hometown. I will never forget it, the place where we made this event was a abandoned gas station with a big parking space and a large park surrounded by fields, total rave concept.

Where did like it the most to DJ and why?
Tresor Club, Berlin because of It’s vibe.

What was the funniest/craziest thing that happened on a gig?
Crazy moment was when I played in Amsterdam and the fog was so intense outside the club we couldn’t see ourselves inches away.

Upcoming gigs?
My next gig will be: Diffuse Reality Night in Barcelona or another city.

What is your favourite animal?
I have never thought about that… maybe the Lion.

Are there any upcoming releases or recently released stuff?
Yes, my next release is: INTRODUCTION_ Diffuse Reality 001.
Thanks for the time and questions!

Try to catch Rodrigo Garcia playing one of his spheric sets at the next Diffuse Reality Night in Barcelona or another city and don’t forget to say hello from us!

– Larry


Tea at the Zoo

# 011 | SaraMé

It’s Thursday November 27, 2014 – this is the eleventh TEA at the ZOO and today we’ll please your ears with a set by Sara from Gotec, Lost in Time | Karlsruhe, Berlin! She truly impressed us when she joined the Animal Instinct Colony earlier this year and rocked the floor at Morena Bar, the epicenter of May Day celebrations in Berlin/ Kreuzberg! Well, it’s no surprise we wanted her for our Podcast – now we finally got her! Turn up the volume, enjoy her marvellous set and read what she says:

Where are you from?
I was born in the Black Forest but the last couple of years I spent in Karlsruhe in southern Germany.

Where are you living most of your time?
I moved to Berlin meanwhile.

When and why did you start DJing?
Pretty early on my first parties I realized that music and the art of Djing sparked my interest a lot more than dancing. During my teenage years I was already hooked on music. I had to entertain my friends mercilessly. I installed a mirror ball and a stroboscope in my room and changed it into my own private disco – to my parents‘ great discomfort [laughter]. Quite soon, Sven Väth’s old mixtapes sparked my enthusiasm for electronic music.

Which equipment/set up is your favorite and why?
In 2008 I started Djing with vinyl only. After a short interlude on traktor scratch I meanwhile recovered and will play only with CDJs or Vinyls in the future.

How would you describe your music?
I find a great share of my track selection in the areas of deep Techno and Techhouse. More minimalistic and groovy pieces bring some variety and energy into the sets. Very often you’ll also hear my love to Acid and Dubhouse. It’s always the vibe that decides what I’ll put on the turns, so every set is shaped differently. They always have a big dose of technosoul in them.

Where do you get your inspiration?
There are a lot of good artists who always inspire me and drag me into the clubs. Especially here in Berlin many well-known artists influenced me over the past year. Omar-S’s last set at Panorama Bar was magnificient, for example. However, there are also friends and colleagues who have always accompanied me and will do so in future.

What was the first vinyl you bought?
Poooh, I really have to think know [laughter], I bought a whole bunch of vinyls but one of them I remember in particular. It was a playful House release: Afefe Iku – Mirror Dance, released in 2008 on Secretsundaze.

What was the last vinyl you bought?
That was the Spatial Resonance EP by Prea Timpu on Moral Fiber Ltd. and U-More – Dawn in Down/The Shaft on Cabaret.

Do you have any residencies?
I’m a resident from the “Lost In Time” – Collective

Where was your first gig?
My first gig was in 2008 in some club in southern Germany.

What are you plans for the future?
Since I have moved to Berlin quite recently, it´s about getting all kinds of gigs for me. I will have to fight my way through the urban jungle for a while now. In the end not every contact proves to be helpful. Nevertheless I have a bright outlook, because if you want something and you love it you must get it [laughter]!

What is your favorite animal?
One of my favorite animals is the peacock. It’s so proud and beautiful! It represents immortality and resurrection, too. So no matter where you stand in life, you should never stop trying, always get back on your feet and follow your goals!

Try to catch Sara playing one of her deep and groovy sets live and don´t forget to say hello from us!

– Larry


Tea at the Zoo

# 010 | Gleb Lasarew [Live]

It’s Tuesday, Oct 28, 2014 – this is the 10th TEA at the ZOO and today we leave Berlin and take you to Nuremberg, our beautiful home town. Today’s featured artist is our friend Gleb L. from Neurotanzmitter Music | Nuremberg! We fell in love with his style a couple of months ago when he played on one of our events back home. We danced and talked the night away with him and we’re sure you are gonna enjoy his set as much as we did!

Where are you from?
Born in Ukraine, but moved to Germany as a young child.

Where are you living most of your time?
At the moment I live in Nuremberg, Germany.

How old are you?
By now I am 20 years old.

When and why did you start Djing?
I started DJing when I was 16 years old, only using an old Mixer and a Timecode-Setup. Soon after that I decided to play live-sets because I was always better in producing music rather than playing it. My first visit in Zoom-club Nuremberg was a big inspiration for me to start producing and playing music. Unfortunately that club already closed.

Which equipment/set up is your favourite and why?
I use my Macbook Pro with Ableton running on it and a sound card, most of the time the Audio6 or Audio8 from Native Instruments and a controller like the Novation Launchpad or Apc40.
On top I like to take an analog Synth/Drummachine with me, for example one of the Volca Series from Korg or the MFB 522.
I decided for this Setup because I know Ableton very well, I can map everything how I want it without the need to remember what every knob exactly does, it’s very intuitive and it’s the easiest way for me to convey my ideas to the people. The sound cards from Native are very robust and reliable, that’s what it needs behind the booth. The analog stuff is just for jamming on top.

How would you describe your music?
Most of the people describe my music as a mixture of House & Techno. However, I don’t think it’s possible to stuff music into genres. It’s like putting animals into cages. I would even say that I can’t describe it. Just take a couple of minutes to listen to the podcast and make a decision on your own, it’s hard to put music into words, that’s what I think!

Who are your idols?
When it comes to producers there would be: Mr.G, Theo Parrish, Jeff Mills, Motor City Drum Ensemble, Greg Beato and Ricardo Villalobos just to name a few, at the moment there are also lot of young producers I really look up to and try to learn from.

Where do you get your inspiration?
I get my inspiration from life, from the moment I get up in the morning till I get to bed at night. Listening to a lot of diverse music helps me to always get new ideas and discover new ways of thinking. I also have good moments of inspiration when I take a ride with my bike at night in the empty streets of my hometown Nuremberg.

What was the first vinyl you bought?
My first vinyl The White Stripes by The White Stribes.

What was the last vinyl you bought?
To be honest I can´t remember, since I play live-sets I don´t really have a lot of vinyls.

Do you have any residencies?
At the moment I don’t have a residency, but my label partners and I have a Party at “Die Rakete” that we are hosting regularly, the first was at October 10.

Where was your first gig?
My first gig was at “Club Nano”, a basement club in the inner city of Nuremberg. At that time my best friends Max & Axel better known as Gottfried & Gregor hosted a weekly party there called “Neurotanzmitter”. Meanwhile the event has moved on to a bigger venue, but back then they gave me the chance to practice almost every week. Most of the time I wasn´t even on the flyer or something. I just played the first hour to practice. Very soon I recognized that I am not really into being a DJ but started playing live-sets instead.

Where did you like it the most to play and why?
One time I played the first part of the after hour at a local club called “Die Rakete”. The party was called “Voodomatic”. It was very special because almost everybody was coloured with paint. It’s its so much fun to see a crowd dancing like that. Besides that gig I always love to play at “Club Nano” because you always see some old friends and some new faces on the dance floor.

What was the funniest/craziest thing that happend on a gig?
The craziest thing happened after a gig, on the way to the central station to get my train in Würzburg, I didn´t have enough money for a taxi so I decided to walk. The promoters told me the station is about 15 minutes away. In the end, it took me two and a half hours to get there. The good thing is, now I know Würzburg quite well. Seems like I had one or two bottles of lemonade too much…

Are there any upcoming releases or recently released stuff?
I just released a track called “Crazy Jesse” on the Rakete Compilation, and for sure there will be something from me on our label “Neurotanzmitter Music” soon, so watch out!

What are you plans for the future?
First of all I want to finish school next year, after that I will work on my music, maybe do some traineeship at studios or something like that. Besides that I want to expand my workshops in music production which I am hosting every month at “Die Rakete”.

Catch Gleb L. playing one of his heartfelt live sets: Wednesday December 31 at Mississippi Queen, [Nuremberg], Friday January 9 at Die Rakete, [Nuremberg]. Don´t forget saying hello from us!

– Larry


Tea at the Zoo

# 009 | Anonyme Existenz

It’s Tuesday, Sep 23, 2014 – this is the 9th TEA at the ZOO! Today we are welcoming Anonyme Existenz from B55 Rec., Concepto Hipnotico | Bielefeld. He also is a resident DJ at our befriended Eventyeries Klangtrauma | Arnsberg. It was really nice interviewing this 19 year young talent and listening to his driving set afterwards.

Where are you from?
I come from a small town, which is located near Bielefeld where I was born and raised and currently still live.

Where are you doing most of your time?
At the moment I’m actually spending most of the time in the studio at home and working on many different projects. In particular, the work on my live performance requires much time and patience.

When and why did you start DJing?
I started Djing when I was 14 years old, a friend of mine showed it to me and I immediately had fun doing it. Over the course of time I started making music mainly to express my style and personality.

Which equipment/set up is your favorite and why?
For DJing clearly two Technics 1210 mk2 turntables and a simple mixer. Playing vinyl is unique and with time you get a special bond with your records.

How would you discribe your music?
My music can be described as something being technoid and experimental, which is indeed dark, but not evil. My motto is, be different, express what‘s in you, and follow no rules. There are no „but there’s no way …“

Who are your idols?
I have no idols. For that I am working too much with my own personality. But Artists I really appreciate, are people like Shifted or Samuel Kerridge.

Where do you get your inspiration from?
From everything I experience and had experienced. Every sound, every moment can bring valuable ideas. A place where I am where i’m very inspired in particularly is the forest.

What was the last vinyl you bought?
My last one was the Ground EP from ANFS on Modal Analysis.

Do you have any residencies?
Yes, I have an residencie at the Klangtrauma events.

Where was your first gig?
My first Gig was in a small club in Bielefeld called Level.

Where did like it the most to DJ and why?
Important is the atmosphere in a club. I had great events with Klangtrauma but I also liked to play in Münster at Hawerkamp.

Are there any upcoming releases or recently released stuff?
Oh, yes. There are a lot upcoming releases. In the next month’s I will release 4 or 5 EP’s and I’m going to release them on labels like Soluxion Rec. and Concepto Hipnotico.

Catch Anonyme Existenz on one of his gigs and listen to one of his experimental sets where he tells you yomething about his experiences! We at Animal Instinct are indeed very much looking forward to hearing a lot more from this nice fellow!

– Larry


Tea at the Zoo

# 008 | Module 23

It´s Thusday August 19 2014 – this is the eighth TEA at the ZOO! Today we are proud to present you Module 23 an DJ duo from Lisbon | Portugal. Module 23 comprises two artists, Jorge Campino and Marques Oliver both are from Lisbon. It was an pleasant suprise to get contacted by this two guys, especially after we heard their set for this podcast for the first time.

Where are you living most of your time?
Jorge Campino and Marques Oliver, both are from Lisbon although Jorge had lived some time in London.
We have been spending our time in studio, not only to start producing original tracks but also looking for fresh music to enrich our collection.

When and why did you started DJing?
Marques started playing 16 years ago, at the height of the boom in Portugal´s electronic music, where he acquired the taste for the electronic music in one of the many epic nights of the 90s, Jorge would acquired his enthusiasm later, more precisely five years ago on a trip to Lux Fragile where he saw Dubfire, and became interested in this world.

When and why did you decide to DJ together?
Module 23 was something that we already had in the drawer for quite some time, but for professional and personal reasons, we never had the opportunity to do so since both had our personal careers within the electronic music until the opportunity arose and we had time to evolve and talk about what we wanted to do, and this project was finally created.

Which equipment/set up is your favourite and why?
Currently our homemade equipment consists of two pionner cdj 400, 3 technics 1210 mk2 and a pionner djm 600, our favorite and we are unanimous there would be no doubt the Allen & Heath Xone 92 for robustness, filters (got to love those filters), sound quality and especially the extremely malleable equalization of the 92, on wich we can explore every detail of each track and mix tunes perfectly, and 3 Cdj 2000, because of the reliability of the equipment and especially the speed on which we can change the tracks and explore the entire collection that we have available.

How would you describe your music?
We tried to put a bit of our personal experiences in our sets in order to humanize our work, nowadays we notice that lacks soul in many of the performances we see, there is a mechanization of the music and sometimes there isn´t even a right sequence, something that the audience can follow and can relate to. We always like to tell a story, to drop a certain sequence in every thing Module 23 gets their hands on. If there is something we cherish is to finish a gig and both us and the people lost track of time. We always try to make a trip between Module 23 and our listeners.
That´s our mark.

Who are your idols?
There are so many old and new names that fuse perfectly, we have old names like Jeff Mills, Carl Craig, Robert Hood, Joey Beltram and Kevin Sauderson and so after and then we have a newer wave such as Lewis Fautzi, Nihad Tule, Rodhad, Takaaki Itoh, François X and so many more, the list is long.

Where do you get your inspiration from?
Module 23 consumes a bit of everything, which is perhaps one of our strengths, as being a project with two different people, and because we come from two different cultures, we have a perfect fusion of old school and new school, we hear a lot of House and Techno of the 90´s, but also we are always with an eye out in the current scene. Add this to our everyday experience and that´s our inspiration. Module 23 is constantly growing and changing.

What was the first vinyl you bought?
Marques was Rhythim Is Rhythim edited by Derrick May’s for Transmat, that followed him for quite some time, Jorge was Delano Smith Dark Shades of Detroit from Sushitech, a masterpiece.

What was the last vinyl you bought?
Ligovskoi, Dilip Ep from Dement3d and Lewis Fauzi, The Gare Album from Soma records.
Both a must have in any collection of techno.

Where was your first gig?
It was an epic start for Module 23, we were a bet from SS events, one of the biggest promoters in Portugal and they booked a date for us in a microclub in Lisbon called Bairrazza, right in the center of Cais do Sodré that is an area with lots of microclubs and pubs, we started doing what we always do and started building our story and at one point, we noticed that all of a sudden we had a full house with people dancing and cheering for us, we were impressed that we had such a night right on our first appeareance as Module 23. That also marked the beggining of our story with SS events.

Where did you like the most to DJ and why?
Bassment in Lisbon, was the most intense experience so far. It´s a club that operates only in after hours. It starts at 7 am but has no time to finish, and it was fabulous to play there. The energy and proximity of the public makes you want to play more and more. It was memorable, so memorable that we were scheduled to play for three hours and we ended up playing five. An experience to be repeated very soon.

What was the funniest / craziest thing that ever happened on a gig?
With Marques was once that he was playing on a gig and the sound technician inadvertenly disconnects the CDJs while he was playing making the full venue to go silent for a brief moment, looking back it just makes you want to laugh but at the moment things became a little tense.
With Jorge was a girl coming up on stage and bites his forehead, claiming that it was in gratitude, go figure.

Do you have any residencies?
The market in Portugal operates a little differently, we have fewer clubs and they prefer to be always changing Artists, just a hand full of clubs allows for residences, but we are always open to that possibility.

Are there any upcoming releases or recently released stuff?
We are currently in studio working to release an Ep until the end of this year, that is one of our objectives.

What are your plans for the future?
We traced annual goals, we prefer to do a step by step work method to make sure of what we do, how we do it and where we do it, our plan for this year is to produce an Ep, in addition we are working with Troop which is a project involving music, film and graphic arts, and it is increasingly strong in Brazil, we are also working with SON (Sounds Of Nature) also from Brazil, both collaborations with some of the best Brazilian and Portuguese artists and we are working closely with the SS events, which promises a few surprises for next season.

Where ar your upcoming gigs?
At this time Module 23 is in the studio to produce, but we have a gig scheduled for the end of August, a little experiment that we are going to do with some new sounds. And we have another one scheduled for September 28th where we will return to one of the houses that marked us -Bassment.

Favorite animal?
Zebra, for its simplicity. It´s black or white, no grey area.

Chatch them if you can on one of there gigs, so they can tell you a story with their music, you will not forget. We´re looking foreward hearing a lot more from this two. And don´t forget to say hello from us!

– Larry


Tea at the Zoo

# 007 | Michael Kruck

It´s Friday July 18 2014 – this is the seventh TEA at the ZOO! Today we are featuring Michael Kruck from his own label MONOTON:audio | Münster. He is resident DJ at the Fusion Club | Munster. It was surely a great pleasure to interview him – only topped by listening to his intriguing set afterwards.

Catch Michael Kruck playing one of his dark and nevertheless groovy techno sets on parties at the FUSION Club or generally on Hawerkamp in Munster, at the Triptychon or the Favela. He also will be playing at the NATURE ONE in Bunker #1, it will be his 7th time in a row there and he is really looking foreward to it!

– Larry


Tea at the Zoo

# 006 | Lino Hirte

It’s Thursday June 26 2014 – This is the sixth TEA at the ZOO! Today we are featuring Lino Hirte from Ragnarök | Berlin. He is another young and upcoming Techno talent who was brought to us by deKai the head of Ragnarök, whom we featured earlier this year. We are very happy release this nice piece of work here as our Podcast.

20 years ago Lino was born right into a fast changing City, the capital of techno music. Growing up in Berlin with a djing Father, there was no way around it, he had to become a DJ himself. So 3 years ago, in the tender age of 17, he started to spin the vinyl by himself and he is doing it good. Preferably he is doing it on Technics and a pair of CDJ-2000 from Pioneer.

Lino Hirte had his first gig back in 2012 on the legendary lena floor at Magdalena Club Berlin. Here it was, where he met deKai for the first time and they played directly a straight 3 hour set together. An experience that really flashed him and made him hungry for more. Since than he came around in lot of Berlins Clubs, like M.I.K.Z. or AREA 61. So, it is no wonder, that deKai signed him right away to his new label Ragnorök.

His inspiration is Lino getting from sets by artists like Kane Roth, F.I.E.L.D.Y, Joel Mull or Ben Klock and of course the influence of his friends and DJs he meet. Which explains his dark, forcing and trippy sound. The first record he ever bought was the God Bless The Freaks EP by Rene Bourgeois, which was a long way to the most current one he bought, Petter B.’s Accent Pattern EP.

For the future he wants to dj as much as possible. So, if you get the chance to go to on one of his gigs and you dance to his forcing set, don´t forget to say hello from us!

– Larry
